Volunteer Profile

Mr Anthony Fregosi, EIT

Sr. Manufacturing Systems Engineer,
Cornerstone Chemical Co.

Anthony Fregosi



  • Chemicals, Commodity

Job Function

  • Continuous Improvement Engineering

Volunteer Bio

Joined AIChE as a student at the University of Florida - 1982. Held all student chapter officer positions.
Joined the Peninsular Florida AIChE Local Section - 1987. Held positions of Vice Chair and Chair. Served as the Co-Chair of the Annual Clearwater Florida Convention in 1988.
Transferred to the New Orleans AIChE Local Section - 1992. Held all officer positions.
Served as the Chair of the CEOC (2015).
Served on the Admissions Committee (AdCom).
Currently the Chair of the Licensure and Professional Development Committee (LPDC).
AIChE Fellow and Secretary of the Fellows Council.

Willingness to Travel

Level of Volunteer Experience

My Volunteer Central Activities

Volunteering Outside the Organization