Volunteer Profile

Dr Svetlana Mitrovski, PhDChemis,MSEchemEn

Teaching Associate Professor,
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Svetlana Mitrovski


United States


  • Academia

Job Function

  • Education

Volunteer Bio

I am Svetlana Mitrovski, a Teaching Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Illinois in Urbana.  I live in Urbana and enjoy the international community we have here, the urban feel to a small town and lots of city-like content.  I have a dual background: one in chemical engineering and the other in Chemistry. In fact, my PhD is in Chemistry (Analytical area) from this school.  I worked as a Chemistry Professor at Eastern Illinois University for 10 years, but now I'm back to the University of Illinois in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering department.  I'm a native of Serbia (former Yugoslavia) where I used to work in the Center for Catalysis and Chemical Engineering at the University of Belgrade for 8 years.  It is there that I got my BEng and MEng degrees as well.
I am currently deeply involved into invigorating the undergraduate curriculum in chemical engineering.  More specifically, I've envisioned a Unit Operations lab that will be very different from typical Unit Operations are in the USA.  This will be a lab with a single focus production of energy.  More on this project will follow soon.

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